Our History

Our Story
Twin Lakes Resort has a colorful and rich history that started in 1928 with the start of the resort by Fay Robideaux. Fay Robideaux was an outdoor enthusiast who guided at the Twin Lakes and the surrounding areas. In 1936 Fay built a cabin for the soon to be President Hoover for $200 on South Twin Lake, which was originally located near to what is now Cabin 16. In 1942, the Wickiup Reservoir was constructed which raised the level of South Twin Lake, drowning out the trees on the lower level of the lake (the stumps can still be seen) and forcing Hoover’s cabin to be moved to higher ground near what is now Cabin 2.
In the past there was a diverter pipe from the Wickiup Reservoir to South Twin Lake that was utilized to fill South Twin to the maximum capacity, which can be seen in historical photos. The diverter pipe is no longer operable, but when the Wickup Reservoir is near full capacity, groundwater seeps to recharge South Twin Lake for the lake does not have a stream/river that feeds the lake.
Over the years there have been many additions to the resort in terms of structures. The lodge, shop, boathouse and cabin 4 are among the oldest structures at the resort. Both the lodge and the shop have been added onto multiple times.
During a historic windstorm in 1990 three of the older and larger cabins were destroyed by falling trees, which included Hoover’s cabin. The current cabins 1-3 were then constructed on the sites of the destroyed cabins.
President Hoover's cabin on the banks of South Twin Lake: Photo circa 1936-1942

Three Generations of Fisherman: Photo Cira 1940's

Original Lodge Before Expansion: Photo Cira 1940's
A photo of the original lodge before any additions. The lodge has been added on to at least two times to accommodate the kitchen and restaurant.

Geologic History

Twin Lakes Resort resides in the Cascade Mountain Range which is comprised of volcanic peaks created by a subduction zone

The subduction zone has created a linear configuration of volcanoes from Northern California to Northern Washington that vary in age.

The subduction of the oceanic Juan De Fuca Plate beneath the continental North American Plate, has created the volcanic Cascade Mountain Range and dominates our landscape.

Magma intrusion interacted with groundwater, causing explosions that formed the Twin Lakes depressions, later filled with runoff water.

Such a geological lake feature is called a Maar. The bottom is plugged by cooled magma, overlain by tephra from the volcanic explosion.